The Voice Cafe Blog

The Voice Cafe offers one-to-one online training via Skype as well as an Audio Study Zone, an access based audio learning resource and can be used either on its own, or as a supplement to online one-to-one lessons.

The ‘oldest’ English dialect?

The ‘oldest’ English dialect?

With it’s singing, swinging upbeat rhythm and distinctive sound patters, the Geordie accent and dialect owes much of its uniqueness to

Learning an accent as a non-native speaker

So what does it take to learn an accent as a non-native speaker? When we hear new sound patterns in an accent or language, we subconsciously categorize them with our own familiar native accent at least initially, and try to produce them as such. The ability to
The Voice behind the Voice Cafe

The Voice behind the Voice Cafe

Welcome to the Voice Café’s very new and exciting blog! I am absolutely delighted to launch a blog, as I believe it is time to put a voice behind the Voice Café and give my members and interested readers more information about what the Voice Café is all about. And of course, it is

